Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So last week I went through a lot. Tuesday, I had my checkup and was set to get my shots but I had caught a cold so my pediatrician said to hold off till next week (which would be this week).

When Thursday came along, I had developed a fever in the morning, so mom and dad decided to take me to the doctor's for a sick visit. It's been pretty horrible, I am all congested and coughing with all this gunk in my throat. Yuck! When we got there we found out that I had an ear infection, which is most likely the cause of my fever. However, the doctor noticed that my breathing was fast. She said that to adults it may seem like I am breathing normally (as normally as I can with congestion) but really I am working extra hard to breath. The nurse gave me baby tylenol and told us to come back in a few hours to check on that fever and if my breathing is back to normal.

When dad and I went back, the doctor sent us to the emergency room in the next building. It was not fun. I had to get naked and was just laying around while all these nurses kept poking me. I even had to have a needle poke my hand and it hurt. After they poked my left hand they had covered it up to keep me from messing with it. Mom and dad called it a claw because they had used a diaper to cover my forearm. After a long time there, we had to take a ride in the ambulance to the hospital. What in the world is going on!?

The doctor said I had something called "RSV" (respiratory syncytial virus). Pretty much for mom and dad it would be a head cold but for someone as young as me, it is more severe. Because I am so young I do not know how to regulate so much mucous so it collects in my lungs causing me to work so hard to breath. They sent me to the hospital because since it is so hard for me to breath it could get to the point where I give up and stop breathing because it's so difficult. That's why we had to go to the hospital.

Once mom and I arrived in the ambulance we went up to a weird looking crib. The nurse came and put all these wires on me. I did not like it one bit. I had to stay for 2 nights and nurses kept coming in and out to poke me and give me medicine. There was a baby next to us too. I hope she is okay. She sounds just as bad as me but maybe even worse! It was quite the experience. I did not like being there and I know mom and dad didn't either. Mom says it was for the best tho. If anything had happened to me at home mom and dad couldn't do anything about it so the hospital was for the best.

I am glad to be home though. I hope this mucous goes away soon. It's not fun. The doctor says it can last up to a month. boo...

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