Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Daddy!

This is what happens when Daddy isn't watching me...

I wanna get in the cage like Ike!


Monday, September 13, 2010

1 Year Stats

Today Mommy brought me to the doctor's for my 1 year checkup. She wasn't too thrilled about my stats:
  • Height - 5%
  • Weight - Below Average
  • Head - 75%
I am a little guy Mommy tells me. She also lectured me about how I should be eating more especially since I am walking now. Sometimes at daycare or at home, if I don't want to eat...I mean it. Anyways, Mom discussed a game plan with the doctor so I will be eating better soon. No more bland baby food for me anymore! Yippee!

We are due back at the doctor's in a month so hopefully I would have gained more weight by then.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

LJ Smash Cake

It's My Birthday and I'll Cry If I Want To!

This was me the morning of my 1st birthday. I guess I should be happy it was my birthday but to be honest I don't want to be a toddler! No I'm just kidding...that is actually what Mommy wants. Sorry Mom, you're just gonna have to face it...I am no longer an infant and I will be grown before you know it!

Anyways, I become much happier a few minutes later...

See? Happy! These are the give away toys I have for my family and friends coming over for the party! Check out the set up...

My birthday theme was Super Mario Brothers! Mom said my party was a lot of work and she's not that good at this "kid party" thing... Well all I have to say better get used to it Mom! She forgot to give out some of the goodie bags, didn't cut the birthday cake, and didn't give out the party cone hats! But it wasn't her fault. Dad all of a sudden got real sick the day before and she didn't have help...

You did your best Mom! I love you!

I leave you with me and my "smash slice of cake" YUM!

 Blogatcha Later! 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Mom and dad butchered by hair! Mom says not to worry because she is gonna try to find some sort of baby styling thing to help with it.

Mom says I look like a "FOB." To those of you who don't know, it stands for "Fresh Off the Boat." Which means I look like I am from an Asian country who came over to the U.S. recently. Mom explains that it is pretty much when you can tell someone is a foreigner and that they aren't from here. Well, hopefully I my hair will grow out soon! Argh!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day Everybody! 5 more days till my birthday!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Me? A Star?

Lately Mom's been messing with this new video editing program and let me tell ya, she's gone MAD! MADDD I tell ya!! Just look at my face!

She's trying to get more involved in the "cyber" world and seeing where it could possibly lead me. She says it doesn't hurt to try and also it'll be so awesome for me to see all my videos when I am grown up. Either that or maybe total embarrassment. I guess I will find out when I am older. For now, I guess you all can tune in to all her madness on my blog.

Here is her latest creation, my Dance Mix: